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Liquid Nitrogen Continuous Flow Cryostat (80 K - 500 K)
Photo Jan 06 2023, 10 36 53

Liquid nitrogen continuous flow (CF) cryostats are designed for electrical measurements with the capability of light excitations of semiconductor materials. Four triaxial inputs/outputs allow operation in two-, three- or four-probe measurement modes. The triaxial measurement technique is realized by printing electric leads directly on the Kapton Harness, allowing operation with low noise performance and measurements of currents down to fA. An additional coaxial connector allows gate-voltage experiments or six-probe measurements. The same coaxial input can be used for biasing light-emitting diodes in photo-Hall experiments.


Samples wiring can be done by standard soldering, or, four adjustable electrical probes can be installed per request.


At a vacuum of 5 mTorr, the cooldown time to 80 K is less than 15 minutes using the liquid nitrogen pump. The temperature can be precisely controlled with a DC600 temperature controller with an accuracy of 100 mK in the range of 80 K - 300 K and an accuracy 500 mK at higher temperatures.


This system can be easily converted to a hot stage system by adding a ceramic hot stage capable of operating in the temperature range of 300 K - 700 K.


Easy optical access is enabled by adding a lid with an optical window. The standard window is Fused Silica. Other windows for operation in extended UV or IR range can be installed per request. The lid without a window is provided as a part of the system.

Liquid Nitrogen Bath Cryostat (80 K - 500 K)

Liquid nitrogen bath cryostats are designed for four-probe electrical measurements that are standard in Hall effect experiments by the van der Pauw technique. This cryostat uses the core technology of Janis Research Systems (now LakeShore Cryotronics) and has been adopted by Transient Signal Technologies for Hall effect systems with electromagnets (for optimal gap between magnet poles of 20 mm). The cryostats have four triaxial inputs/outputs and one additional coaxial input/output. The electrical wiring inside the cryostat utilizes special coaxial wires that enable low noise operation and measurements of low currents down to pA. The extra coaxial connector added allows for gate-voltage experiments, six-probe measurements, or can be used for biasing light-emitting diodes in photo-Hall experiments.


Samples mounting/wiring can be done by standard soldering. Adjustable electrical probes can be installed per request and are essential for high temperature measurements.


The cryostat has a 0.4 Liter nitrogen reservoir and a built-in charcoal getter. The liquid nitrogen hold time is about 6 hours at 80 K. The cooldown time to 80 K is about 30 minutes. The sample temperature can be precisely controlled using a DC600 temperature controller with an accuracy of 100 mK in the 80 K - 300 K range and an accuracy 500 mK at higher temperatures.


Easy optical access is enabled by adding a lid with an optical window. The standard window is Fused Silica. Other windows for operation in extended UV or IR range can be installed per request. The lid without a window is provided as a part of the system.

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User's Manuals

Continuous flow LN2 cryostat

LN2 Bath Cryostat


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