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Technical Specifications
e-mail: phone: +1 (916) 514-8596
Transient Signal Technologies
advanced materials metrology

Technical Specifications
Vacuum Systems/Cryostats​
Operating Temperature Range: Available for ranges: 300 K only; 80 - 500 K; 80 - 400 K; 300 - 700 K
Width of Sample Compartment: 20 mm
Standard Window Material: Fused silica
Other Window Materials: UV and IR windows are available
Optical Working Distance: 12 mm
LN2 hold time (bath cryostats): 6 hours
LN2 reservoir volume: 0.4 L
LN2 Continuous Flow Cryostats: 3 L LN2 Dewar
Temperature Stability: 100 mK
Temperature Resolution: 10 mK
Sample Compartment
Sample Mounting Surface Size: 10 mm x 10 mm
Sample Thickness: 0.001 - 2000 micrometers
Sample Connections: Adjustable probes or standard soldering (soldering pins)
Electrical Connections: Triax connectors
Light Excitations: Optical windows and special magnet poles with axial holes are available
Two additional soldering pins for LED mounting inside vacuum are available
Gate Bias Experiments: Two additional soldering pins for gate bias are available
Hall and VDP Controller
Current Source Range: 1E-12 to 10E-3 Amps
Voltage Measurement Range: 1E-6 to 2.4 Volts
Resistivity Range: Typical range is 1E-4 Ohm*cm to 10E13 Ohm*cm (dependent on sample thickness)
Carrier Concentration Range: Approximate range is 10E3 cm^-3 to 10E19 cm^-3 (dependent on sample thickness)
Carrier Mobility Range: Approximate range is 1 cm^2/Vs to 10^7 cm^2/Vs
Temperature Controller
Temperature Controller Type: DC600 digital temperature controller (50 Watt heater output)
Temperature Stability: <0.2 K between 80 K and 400 K; <1 K from 400 K to 700 K
Temperature Resolution: 10 mK
Magnet Systems
Permanent Dipole Magnets: 5,000 Gauss or 7,000 Gauss at 20 mm gap between poles
Small Footprint Electromagnets: 5,000 Gauss or 10,000 Gauss at 20 mm gap between poles. Distance between poles is adjustable
High Field Electromagnets: 14,000 Gauss or 20,000 Gauss at 20 mm gap between poles. Distance between poles is adjustable
Recirculating Water Chillers: Required for EM-100, EM-150 and EM-200 electromagnets
Brochures and Application Notes
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