Technical Specifications
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Transient Signal Technologies
advanced materials metrology

Keysight 2900B/BL Series Precision Source/Measure Units
B2900 Series Source/Measure Unit

The Keysight B2900 Series precision source measure units (SMUs) offer exceptional performance and user-friendliness at a competitive price. These compact benchtop SMUs allow researchers to quickly perform various I-V (current versus voltage) measurements with high resolution and accuracy.
When combined with variable temperature vacuum products from Transient Signal Technologies, these SMUs enable you to:
- Obtain precise current and voltage measurements at different temperatures
- Achieve best-in-class source and measurement resolution down to 10 fA and 100 nV
- Benefit from top-tier 6.5-digit sourcing and measurement accuracy
- Simplify I-V characterization and data processing with EasyEXPERT device characterization software, making it efficient and straightforward
- Easily capture device characteristics across various temperatures in a user-friendly manner.
Model B2901BL B2910 BL B2901B B2902B B2911B B2912B
Number of Channels: 1 1 1 2 1 2
Maximum Voltage: 21 V 210 V 210 V 210 V 210 210 V
Maximum Current (DC): 1.5 A 1.5 A 3.03 A 3.03 A 3.03 A 3.03 A
Output Resolution: 5.5 digit 5.5 digit 5.5 digit 5.5 digit 6.5 digit 6.5 digit
Output Noise (10 Hz to 20 MHz): 3 mVrms 3 mVrms 3 mVrms 3 mVrms 3 mVrms 3 mVrms
Measurement Resolution: 6.5 digits 6.5 digits 6.5 digit 6.5 digit 6.5 digit 6.5 digit